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Ascension Disk | Advanced Astral Projection Tool | Orgone Tensor Technology

Ascension Disk | Advanced Astral Projection Tool | Orgone Tensor Technology

Regular price $413.00 CAD
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Ascension Disk: Elevate Your Consciousness

Unlock the power of your Higher Self with the Ascension Disk, a transformative tool designed to accelerate your spiritual journey. This Orgone-generating disk is a gateway to higher realms; offering unparalleled support for astral projection, healing, and receiving divine guidance. It helps you merge with your Higher Self—the aspect of you that connects directly to the infinite mind of God.

Whether you're seeking deeper spiritual insight, visionary experiences, or a stronger connection to your True essence, the Ascension Disk is your companion in transcending the limitations of the physical world. Experience the energy of the Divine within you and step into a higher state of consciousness.

The Ascension Disks contain an Archangelic Super Consciousness. They serve as portals into the Angelic Realms.  You can (and should) speak to it; let it know how you'd like it to support you be it guidance, healing, spiritual experiences etc! 

What Makes the Ascension Disk So Powerful

The Ascension Disk is meticulously crafted and charged with Sacred Language to evoke the energies of powerful celestial beings such as Cherubim and Seraphim. Additionally, the disk is infused with holographic sound, a cutting-edge, multi-dimensional sound healing modality that combines sacred geometry with sound, allowing the channeled energy to contain sound codes that span all dimensions of consciousness.

At the heart of the disk are potent, elementally balanced materials: Lemurian Quartz Crystal, Copper—powerfully linked to the qualities of Venus, including the Source aspects of Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence—and Moldavite, a stone that facilitates connection with higher realms. The disk is also embedded with Tensor Rings, including the Sacred Cubit Ring (144 Hz) for harmonizing physical matter, the Empowerment Cubit Ring (188 Hz) to decalcify the Pineal Gland and support shadow work, and the Lost Cubit Ring, which aids in accessing information within energy centers and the Akashic records. Together, these elements create a powerful tool that facilitates profound spiritual experiences and deep inner transformation.

Tensor Technology

- Sacred Cubit Ring: known for it's work in harmonizing physical matter, comes from measurements that originate in the Great Pyramid, resonates at 144hz

- Empowerment Cubit Ring: resonates with & decalcifies the Pineal Gland, supports us in releasing negative & disempowering belief systems (shadow work support), 188hz

- Lost Cubit Ring: Connected to Emotional & Etheric Bodies, Aids in Discovering Information held within Energy Centers, akash, etc, great aid for Healing Practitioner


9 Lemurian Quartz Crystals wrapped in COILED Copper wire: Greatly Enhanced Orgone Generation & Energy Amplification!
-Coiled wrapping accelerates speed of electron around the crystal > induces greater mechanical stress on crystal > greatly increased piezoelectric effect > more Orgone generated!

Selenite: Spiritual Guidance: Opens us up to the Higher Frequencies of our Guides, Aids translation of information they have to share, Works w/ Soul Star & Crown Chakras

Blue Kyanite: Crystal of Alignment: Aligns Chakra System & Builds Pathways for linking Spirit w/ the Mind aiding in the discovery ppof one's most resonant Life Path.

Garnet: Manifestation of Purpose: Unblocks Creativity & Channels it through the Heart > Inspiration, Devotion, Imagination,
Enhances Red Ray Frequency > Vitality, Power, Courage,

Malachite: Powerfully Resonates w/ Heart Center, Principal Stone of Clearing >  Triggers awareness of pathway to growth/ healing & any blocks we have towards that. Connected to Venusian Power, Linked to Goddess Hathor,

Moldavite: Activate Solar Connections in Body Heart / Solar Plexus, Works like Tuning Fork to bring Energy Centers into Higher Frequency, Physical Reflection of Philosopher's Stone Transform Negative Perspectives into Positive thru Validation & Acceptance

Shungite: Purifier, Black Tourmaline: highly protective from dense, negative energies, encourages sense of security and self-empowerment, generates electrical charge,

Lepidolite: balances mind & heart, powerful emotional healing quality, generates electrical charge,

Black & Green Tourmaline: protection, piezoelectricity, spiritual essence

Quartz Powder: amplifier, piezoelectric,

Hematite: powerful grounding, Earth Star/Root Chakra support

Pyrite: Anchors in Solar Qualities, Soul Star Support (Seat of the Higher Self),

Orgone Blend

8 Infinity Coils for pulling in electromagnetic frequencies and pulsing out Orgone,

Copper: all things Venusian, attracts higher dimensional particles of beauty, harmony, love, life force, balance,

Sedona Vortex Sand: extra-dimensional energy

Brass: Copper Alloy, Solar Connection
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